-mach, -machy, -machies, -machia, -machist, -machic, -machical
(Greek: battle, war; fight; contest)
Fighting with a demon or demons.
A fight between two in single combat.
Conflicts between married couples.
Fighting between a husband and a wife.
The war of the giants against the gods.
gigantomachize (verb), gigantomachizes; gigantomachized; gigantomachizing
To rise in rebellion like the giants against heaven.
1. A war of giants against other giants or a contest resembling this.
2. War of giants against gods.
3. A war between large contestants, as major powers.
2. War of giants against gods.
3. A war between large contestants, as major powers.
Active opposition to heresy and heretics.
A quarrel, or strong arguments, between clerics.
A conflict or quarrel between priests: In the story, two clergymen were involved in a hieromachy about who was going to preside over the rituals the following day.
A battle while on horseback.
Fighting on horseback.
Fighting while heavily armoured.
1. A war against images or idols.
2. Hostility or opposition to images; especially, to their use in connecion with religious worship.
2. Hostility or opposition to images; especially, to their use in connecion with religious worship.
1. An argument about the uses and/or meanings of words.
2. A dispute about words; a semantic contention getting away from issues or reality.
3. Fighting about words.
4. A word game.
2. A dispute about words; a semantic contention getting away from issues or reality.
3. Fighting about words.
4. A word game.